Friday, November 14, 2008

"Showing Up for God"

In my stillness that God commanded me to pursue, I have finally reached the goal of a quiet spirit, a relaxed mind and a healing body. Through the many valley's where I have been dwelling for an extended period of time, my moment of mountain top experience has always been the attitude of gratitude that I survived one more day. Another sunrise, another sunset would be my reminder to pray and "Show up" for God to lead me forward. Throughout my spiritual journey, so often through emptiness and brokenness, I believed that if I could just get to God, He would do the rest. I suppose that is the surrender necessary to allow God to work in my life, at His speed, with His direction. God has reminded me in Jer. 29:11 that "He has a plan for me, a plan for hope and a future." Hope from God is trust; trust which is given freely, without conditions; an extended hand that says "follow Me". Are my relationships filled with trust, hope or love? Do my words and actions express love or do they create judgement, distress and hopelessness? I have made attempts to "own" my behavior, my sin, my lack of faith, and share my burdens. I have been in constant prayer for God to search me and tell we where I needed to go to begin the restoration. It begins with me, in my heart: with my family; with my friends; with my church family. The challenges are many as I walk the difficult road, the road with Jesus, to a future with hope. The daily blessings are great and filled with abundant moments of healing. My tears flow with joy as I observe God's gift of humility and restoration within my family as they finally know who God is and what He has done for them. A day at a time, and sometimes, minute by minute, we experience the love, the tender hearts within each other and the hope for a future. The people in our lives are there by choice; not because we are brother and sister, but because we share the gift of God's love and forgiveness. I have learned that "all things are possible through Christ who gives us strength." The pain of a broken heart, or a broken relationship, empowers us to seek the Lord with all of our strength, all of our heart, and all of our spirit. That is what He wants us to understand in our stillness, our aloneness, our oneness with Him. It is only through His grace that we are able to confront our demons, The Enemy, and all the darkness in this world. We claim through His Word, the sword of the spirit, that we are strengthened and equipped to overcome all things which evil manifests in the people we love. We are able to overcome with victory anything on this earth which threatens us, through God's mighty power! I believe that is what God wanted to teach me, in my stillness, in my quiet journey.

Isaiah states: "My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes in undisturbed places of rest." (32:18)

Our homes and churches must be in order so we can minister to others who need the healing, stillness, forgiveness and restoration that only Jesus can promise. I need to constantly seek "undisturbed places of rest" to restore my energy and faith to continue to fight the battles of this world through faith, hope, prayer and love.

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