Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Be Still

As I reflect on the events of my life, I see the threads of God's mercy creating the tapestry of my life. God said in Jeremiah 33 that "He turned His face because of their wickedness but nevertheless He turns to them again to bring peace and health and healing." A promise from God is that I may approach Him in confidence and thanksgiving for all that He has done in our midst, allowing the peace that brings understanding. I have become a prayer warrior out of obedience to God asking me to step out in faith. In my discomfort, I have begun to pray for the obstacles in my life that create an abundance of blessings as well as overwhelming fear of the decisions that I must make in my life. I have been removed from my illusion of a comfort zone and have taken the first steps toward a renewing of my spirit and a cleansing of my heart. God promises that "though I walk through the valley of death I will feel no evil."(Ps. 23) Is God really there tenderly guiding each step toward the unknown, defeating every evil that prevails ? The answer is yes, as hope and faith arise, as He means to bring good and mighty things into my life, my family and church, and our country. As grief grips so many lives, it is in those dark moments that we reach out for His hand and allow the love, healing and peace to flow over us. His good purposes also reveal His truth. We have authority to claim His cleansing for our family, our church and the East End. As I journey to the Underground for a new beginning in our church, I feel the anxiety and question the authenticity of all who are present for this experience. "Judge not, lest you are judged" (Rom 8:1) is definitive on who is the Judge. As I pray, there is a silence from God. I listen for His word, but am I REALLY listening or am I projecting His reply? He has warned me numerous times throughout this journey to "BE STILL". I believe that He will do great and mighty things that will be recognized by many, but could you just begin now God? As my spirit struggles with the stillness, I believe His Word and Trust His Love. All believers need to pray with a sense of urgency and stir up their hearts to their fullest desire. Remove God from the shelf and begin to speak from you heart at all times, not just the convenient times. When we meet with God, allow the impact of what God has done in your life be loosed upon your prayer life. If only I could hear Him now..........
"Call to me and I will answer you with great and mighty things which you do not know" (Jer. 33:3)

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