Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Repentance (metanoia, GREEK), means to have a "new knowledge or understanding"---a change of mind. God's word teaches us that the "new" change or understanding comes from Him through an "unveiling" or revelation. We need this change and new knowledge, from God, and Paul states it well in "he was called "to open their eyes" (enlightenment, unveiling, revelation, repentance) Acts 26:18 "so that they may turn from darkness to light."Another verse from Psalms 119:18 states: "Open (unveil or uncover, revelation) my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Thy law."
The Pharisees were cognizant of the Scriptures but never knew God. That is why Jesus was condemned, as He knew would happen. The opportunity to know God was presented personally,in the flesh, when Jesus spoke to them, yet they never knew Him. They studied and taught the Word, but never KNEW what His message was about, or repented from their pride and arrogance. They remained self-righteous, prideful leaders making decisions which ultimately led to the crucifixion. A tragedy for the leaders, but a gift for us.
As our church has walked through the changes in the past year, I am still amazed that many still do not KNOW God. We have changed our pastor, changed our name, dissolved membership, and eliminated all leadership. In the physical sense, that has occurred. Emotionally, many still hold onto the "good old days" of structure, hymns, elders, etc. Spiritually, many have not repented from sin. I believe that presence of sin, lack of accountability, lack of desire for repentance and forgiveness and a lack of knowledge of who God really is prevents a new knowledge or understanding, or a change of self. Many have knowledge, as the Pharisees, but no revelation of the Holy Spirit, which is stated by Paul:
"But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1Cor. 2:14) Is God the center of our lives, or are we the center and God lingers in the periphery?
Pride is the ultimate sin when we believe that we are above rebuke. "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall," (Prov. 16:18). This should remind us that God is in control, not us, as we falsely believe we have prestige or power or success. God has warned us if pride gets in the way, He will bring us down.
Could this be the reason for our church not moving forward as we hoped would happen by this time?
Our prayer meeting which has concentrated on spiritual warfare for the past six months has not grown since the start in August. Is it busyness, complacency, or lack of knowledge of God? Attitudes in the hearts of our people keep God away from answering our prayers. Also, isn't it ironic and tragic that our own sin might hinder our prayers for another sinner? Jesus said, "First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matt. 7:5) We need to own our sin, confess it to one another, and repent! To say to another, "I am sorry that you feel that way" is not confession or repentance. It is an insult to God, lack of humility and repentance and hurtful to the other person. As believers, we are commanded by God be steadfast in prayer and pure in spirit and when a conflict arises, address immediately. Satan really does exist when there is conflict, and blinds the mind of the unbeliever. He presents a smoke screen so we remain high minded, proud or inflated with self-conceit. Herein lies the sin of pride, passed on from Satan to Adam in the Garden. As a result, our men and "leaders" have an overwhelming desire to dominate and compete. As women, we become the nurturers and caretakers. What happens when this pride becomes the issue in a church? A translation from the Living Bible is very clear: "It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don't use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God's mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil's strongholds. These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding Him. With these weapons I can capture rebels and bring them back to God, and change them into men whose hearts' desire is obedience to Christ." 2 Cor.4:4
Our church needs prayer, prayer warriors and stillness. We are in the middle of a huge spiritual battle and must use the tools of warfare that God has given us! Our worship needs to have God as the center, a humble heart, and a repentant spirit. We need to be still, and LISTEN and WAIT for God to speak. Perhaps our church group (EVERYONE) needs a trip to a "spirit filled" church, - to experience the "authentic" Presence of God, TRUE WORSHIP, and "Metanoia" (CHANGE)! Do we desire His Spirit or are we still playing church????